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Hog Fish

The Hogfish uses its elongated pig-like snout to rummage and graze for crustaceans that are buried beneath the sand. The shape of its snout and the way it uses it is what gave the Hogfish its name. Hogfish social communities are quite interesting, with one male mating with and protecting a group of females. Males tend to be more intensely colored than females with a signature black spot behind the pectoral fins. Females are a pale grey or brown with males exhibiting brighter red or orange colors.

Lyretail Hog Fish

(Bodianus Anthioides)

Saddle Hog Fish

(Bodianus Loxozonus)

Brown Parrot Hog Fish

(Cirrhilabrus Species)

Golden Spotted Scorpion Hog Fish

(Sebastapistes Cyanostigma)

Banana Hog Fish

(Pentapodus Caninus)

Fox Face Hog Fish

(Siganus Vulpinus)

Green Mandarin Hog Fish

(Synchiropus Splendidus )

Bubble Anemone

(Entacmaea Quadricolor)

Long Tentacle Anemone

(Macrodactyla Doreensis)

White Hermit Crab

(Dardanus Megistos)

Hermit crab with Anemones

(Dardanus Pedunculatus)

Red Lobster


Camel Shrimp

(Rhynchocinetes Species)

Purple Slugs

(Chromodoris Lubocki)

Black/White Heniochus

(Heniochus Acuminatus)

Mask Heniochus

(Heniochus Monoceros)

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